Gizmon iCa iPhone 5 Case
Posted March 5, 2013 at 7:28pm by Yoav
The iCa has stood alone in the iPhone photography market since it’s introduction, but now even more features have been added to truly transform your iPhone into a working rangefinder camera. No longer do you have to stumble for the shutter button on the screen, a working shutter button is built into the top of the case. Simply click and your image is captured. Ever have trouble seeing the screen in daylight? Use the built in viewfinder on top of the case- just like a real camera!

The iCa moves above simply an iPhone case to become a true fashion statement. Leather cases with adjustable straps come in four great colors. Black, Brown, Red and Green to change with your mood or outfit. Don’t fumble for your iPhone in your pants pocket- display it in style around your neck or shoulder.

The fun and functionality doesn’t stop there. 5 accessory lenses create a full range of amazing effects for your iPhone Photography. Fisheye, Polarizing, Center Focus, Cross Screen (starburst) and the 3 image mirage filter give the you the power to go far beyond simple iPhone photography. The available remote shutter, shaped like a 35mm film cartridge makes self portraits a breeze!