Spodee Homemade Country Wine in a Milk Bottle
Posted September 17, 2013 at 4:16pm by Yoav
Spodee was a Depression era hooch that mixed up homemade country wines with garden herbs, spices and moonshine. The resulting brew was then put into whatever containers they happened to have lying around…hence, the milk bottle. It may not be fancy pants, but it sure is tasty!

It may not be fancy pants, but it sure is tasty! Spodee is like no other wine because it mixes like a spirit! Drink it with soda, orange juice, or in your favorite cocktail! Let your Spodee bottle be everything to you. Fill your cupboards with Spodee bottles as glassware, use it as a home for fresh picked flowers from the yard, have your pens and pencils sit somewhere other than all over your office desk and if worse comes to worse and one of the zillion uses don’t apply…make sure to recycle.