Perfect Bake App-Controlled Smart Scale
Posted December 16, 2014 at 4:09pm by Yoav
How do master pastry chefs bake delicious treats time after time? They start with a great recipe and follow each step, making sure measurements and timing are accurate. The Perfect Bake system turns YOU into a master pastry chef. It weighs each ingredient for accuracy and uses built-in timers to alert you when you’re done mixing, baking, or cooling. Need to rescale the recipe? Perfect Bake does the math for you—whether you’re changing the size of your cake pan, the quantity of cookies you want to bake, or the amount of chocolate chips you have on hand.

Weight = Precision
Master pastry chefs produce consistently delicious results by weighing all their ingredients, a much more accurate method than measuring by volume. Perfect Bake measures everything by weight, giving you those same masterfully consistent results every time.

Easy Baking
No more hard-to-follow recipes and missed steps. Perfect Bake guides you step-by-step through the whole process: preparing, adding ingredients, mixing, portioning, and baking.

No Measuring
Just place a bowl on the scale and start adding ingredients. The virtual bowl fills up and shows you when to stop. The Perfect Bake app then automatically advances to the next step.

Scale to a Number
Tell Perfect Bake the exact number of cookies, cupcakes, muffins, etc. you want to make and the app automatically scales the recipe for you.

Scale to a Pan Size / Shape
The recipe calls for a 13×9 inch pan and all you have is a 6 inch round pan? Use our patent pending pan sizer and the app automatically scales the recipe for you.

Scale to an Ingredient
Only have half a bag of chocolate chips? No problem. Put the chocolate chips on the scale and tell Perfect Bake to scale the recipe.