Kaleidescape Cinema One
Posted November 17, 2014 at 3:18pm by Yoav
Cinema One is simply the best movie player you can buy. It combines pristine picture quality with high-fidelity sound to transform your living room into the ultimate home theater. Unlike streaming services, Cinema One lets you enjoy all of your movies in true bit-for-bit Blu-ray and DVD quality—whether imported from CD, DVD, or Blu-ray, or downloaded from the Kaleidescape Store.

It stores up to 600 DVD or 100 Blu-ray quality movies and automatically catalogs your library in an award-winning user interface. What's more, you can simply download Blu-ray quality movies right from the Kaleidescape Store—the only store that offers movie downloads with the same audio/video fidelity as Blu-ray discs.

Kaleidescape Scenes will change how you think about your movie library. Perfect for those times when you don’t have two hours to watch an entire film but want to enjoy a unique moment with family and friends, Kaleidescape Scenes lets you instantly jump to the very best moments in your favorite films. Think of it like skipping around and listening to only your favorite songs instead of entire albums.

You can also jump directly to any episode of a TV series or even to your favorite song in a concert or musical. They’re your movies, like you’ve never seen them.

The Kaleidescape Store is the only online store that offers movies in pristine Blu-ray quality—with new movies available exclusively in Blu-ray quality soon after their theatrical release. Finally, you can purchase and download movies and TV shows with the exact same audio and video quality of Blu-ray discs from the comfort of your living room.