Twelve South BookArc for Mac Pro
Posted October 29, 2014 at 4:17pm by Yoav
Twelve South has announced BookArc Pro, a gorgeous chrome-plated desktop stand designed exclusively for Mac Pro. The beautiful, arc-shaped stand holds a Mac Pro horizontally, cutting the vertical height requirement in half. A lower height increases the number of places you can park the most powerful Mac available, including inside professional gear racks and studio shelves.

To create this fiercely different look, Twelve South took heavy gauge steel and machined it into an elegant curve, then coated it with a gleaming chrome finish. Chrome was selected specifically because it perfectly reflects the lustrous black finish of the Mac Pro floating above it. Resting on BookArc, the mightiest of Macs is cradled by a soft silicone lined insert. The new turbo-jet looking Mac Pro will have office mates slack-jawed at the combo's show-stopping new look.

Is it safe to use a Mac Pro horizontally? Absolutely. It will perform exactly the same on its side as it will upright. In fact, the Apple Tech Note that refers to using a Mac Pro on its side was the inspiration for designing this curved metal stand. Historically, most stand-alone Macs were able to be used on their side or vertically. Twelve South now brings this flexible option to the newest Mac Pro with the BookArc for Mac Pro.

BookArc takes the height requirement of Mac Pro from 14 inches standing upright, including space for ventilation, down to 7.5 inches resting on its side atop the chrome stand. This reduced height means Mac Pro fits in a lot more locations, including inside pro gear racks, cabinets or on studio shelves. Set inside a racked studio cabinet, Mac Pro on a BookArc takes up 5 rack spaces — instead of the 8 spaces in the upright position.