Make Your Tennis Racket Smarter with Shot Stats Challenger
Posted May 29, 2014 at 7:33pm by Yoav
Shot Stats is being developed by a team of passionate engineers, innovators, and athletes looking to change the way that sport and fitness are quantified and analyzed, starting with tennis. Shot Stats plans to push tennis into the information age through empowering both the player and coach with data.

The company was founded in early 2013 and is currently based in Atlanta, GA. The growing team pulls from mechanical and electrical engineering, interaction design, business, and advanced tennis coaching/play to create a product of impact in the world of tennis. They are currently working with the hardware-based accelerator, HAXLR8R, in Shenzhen, China.

The teams first consumer product, Challenger, is designed to improve a tennis player’s performance. Taking the form as the well-adapted tennis accessory, the dampener, Challenger provides instant, convenient, and applicable swing analysis metrics, including head speed (mph and kph), ball spin, ball impact location, and shot count/type. Data is outputted on the device’s own screen and via Bluetooth to a mobile device. This data will integrate with video, providing players and coaches with the ultimate tool.

Challenger uses multiple accelerometers and gyroscopes to capture raw motion data. That data is analyzed/calculated to produce the most pertinent information about a tennis swing and will be instantly shown on a durable (resistant to impact) and high contrast (viewable in direct sunlight) display. Through the app, users will be able to view and share their metrics and videos with players and coaches worldwide.

Until now, instant and quantitative feedback for a tennis swing has only been within reach of top tennis players and academies. Challenger wants to change that, making affordable and accurate feedback a reality for tens of millions of players and coaches worldwide.

Potential and Future
The potential of Challenger lies in the possibility of it becoming a platform for transforming and integrating both captured raw data and calculated metrics into new and amazing applications. Shot Stats will offer an open API for developers.

Due to the fact that actual units (mph and kph) are outputted, there is great potential for vast amounts of data to be captured and analyzed for the tennis industry. Additionally, Challenger can help rate playing abilities among tennis leagues/ladders/communities, as well as help with customization/selection of rackets.

Looking ahead, this technology and mission can be pushed onto a slew of other sports and activities. Future directions could be towards similar sports like racquetball, squash, badminton, golf, hockey, and baseball. Potentially, they may branch further, looking into mountain biking, bowling, gymnastics, and volleyball.