Sanborn Firestarter Kit
Posted March 14, 2014 at 8:46pm by Yoav
As an ode to summer nights, s'mores and weekend adventure seekers, the Sanborn Canoe Company created the Sanborn Firestarter Kit. Included in a small burlap package is their Cedar Firestarters, a Marble's Match Safe and even a little cedar kindling to give you a good start to a great campfire. Handmade in the Sanborn woodshop utilizing scrap cedar salvaged from the paddle-making process.

The Sanborn Canoe Company, at its origin, was a summer hobby by a few buddies to build a cedar-strip canoe with little more knowledge than they had gleaned from a how-to book, purchased at the local bookstore. By the end of that first summer they had a sturdy canoe and a keen interest in crafting a few paddles to ply it.

Learning everything the hardest way possible, it seemed, by trial and error they succeeded in carving out a few paddles. Those first paddles led to the desire to learn more and then more about paddle making, until they had made more paddles than they could ever use. And curiously to them, some folks liked them. Wham-Bang, Sanborn was born!

The Sanborn Firestarter Kit includes eight cedar firestarters, one marble's match safe & cedar kindling. It's package dimensions are 6" x 10" with an overall weight of 10 oz.