Kapture: The Audio-Recording Wristband
Posted September 6, 2013 at 11:30pm by Yoav
Today there isn't a good way to capture all of the quotable moments in life- as they happen and in context. Those amazing conversations with friends, epiphanies on a long drive, and all of the crazy things kids say. Many are you-just-had-to-be-there moments you could never replicate.

How It Works
The Kapture always-on wristband records audio in a 60 second buffered loop. The buffered loop continuously overwrites itself until the user taps the device to save a clip of the previous 60 seconds. The saved file is downloaded to your smartphone where the duration can be shortened and you can name, tag, filter, and even share it.

Talk. Tap. Share.

TALK - have as many awesome conversations as possible
TAP - the device is always ready to save the last 60 seconds
SHARE - you created a unique and authentic piece of content

The Kapture app has been designed to be the user interface (UI) for Kapture's wearable device. Once you tap your wrist to save the moment, it will show up on the app in a matter of seconds. Each clip can then be named, tagged, filtered, shortened, and shared if you want. You can even add a rad photo to give it more appeal. Upon delivery of the wristband, the app will be available for iOS and Android smartphones.