Borough Furnace Metal Casting Workshop
Posted September 9, 2013 at 8:34pm by Yoav
Borough Furnace is a metal casting workshop in Syracuse, NY. They make their products by hand in small batches, using a traditional casting process that has been updated for environmental responsibility. Founded in 2011 by cousins John Truex and Jason Connelly, the company began with the generous crowd-sourced funding of 193 Kickstarter backers. With the Kickstarter proceeds, John and Jason built the custom machinery that would be the foundation of the Borough Furnace micro-foundry.

The core of their business is the Skilletron, a barrel-sized metal melting furnace that burns Waste Vegetable Oil at 3000°F to melt scrap iron. By using old fryer grease to fuel their furnace, they eliminate the massive energy consumption of a typical metal casting operation. They only use recycled iron as source material, keeping with their mission to consume as little as possible.

John runs the shop with the help of Adam Lindaman, pouring and finishing 2-3 castings a day. All of their products are made in small batches and is posted to their Shop page as they become available.