Robugtix T8 3D Printed Robot Spider
Posted July 14, 2013 at 10:01pm by Yoav
T8 is a bio-inspired high resolution 3D printed robot that uses a total of 26 servo motors. It is powered by the Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine.

The Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine handles all the complex math calculations necessary for controlling multi-legged walking robots. All computations are safely hidden from the user in the form of a black box. This means that the user only has to send short and simple commands to the robot (for example, instructing it to walk forward at a desired speed) and the engine will automatically take care of all the details, including inverse kinematics, leg trajectory planning, leg gait coordination, motor control, etc. This makes it quite easy even for absolute beginners to play with advanced robotics.

Commands are sent and received via wireless XBee. Optionally, you can connect your own serial communication method with the provided Rx/Tx pins.

You can choose between pre-programming your own sequences or directly controlling the robot in real time with the wireless Robugtix Controller.

What's included:
A complete set of high resolution 3D printed parts of the T8
T8 microcontroller board pre-loaded with the Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine
26 Hitec HS-35HD servo motors
Fasteners and miscellaneous mechanical parts